Perkins and HPSL Loan Entrance Counseling
Before we can disburse your Federal Perkins or HPSL Loan, regulations require that you complete an entrance counseling session. The counseling session helps guide you in managing your student loan.
Perkins and HPSL Loan Exit Counseling
National Student Loan Database
Exit counseling is required by all students with Perkins or HPSL loans that have graduated, officially withdrawn, dropped below half-time enrollment, transferred to another institution, or simply ceased enrollment at UC Berkeley.
Direct Loan Entrance and Exit Counseling
If you have not previously received Federal student aid, the Federal Government may require you to complete entrance and exit counseling to ensure that you understand your responsibilities and obligations.
Direct Deposit Enrollment for Students
Refunds, graduate student stipends, and any non-payroll university payments to students, except Emergency Loan checks, can be directly deposited to your bank account.

If you are a US resident for tax purposes, you may be eligible to claim a tax credit or deduction on your federal tax return if you paid qualified educational expenses to the University of California.

Billing and Payment Services
Correspondence Address
2610 Channing Way Rm 228 MC#1111, Berkeley, CA 94720
Cal Student Central
- Student billing
- Financial Aid
- Registration
120 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
510 664 9181
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to Noon, 1 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.